

General Obligation Bonds 2022 Series A, B, C Projects

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Total Par Issued for 2022 Series A, B, C


Local Innovation and Fast Track (LIFT) and Permanent Supportive Housing Programs

The Treasurer issued $175 million in Article XI-Q taxable sustainability bonds for the Oregon Housing & Community Services Department in May 2022. The funding will be used to provide financing for new affordable housing in the State in historically underserved communities, for households experiencing chronic homelessness, for households earning at or below 60 percent of Area Median Income (AMI) for rental housing, and for households at or below 80 percent of AMI for homeownership.

Seismic Rehabilitation Grants

The Treasurer issued $75.8 million in Article XI-M and XI-N tax-exempt bonds for the Oregon Business Development Department in May 2022. The funding will be used to provide grants to local schools and emergency services entities for planning and implementation of seismic rehabilitation of public education and emergency services buildings throughout the State. 

State Parks Capital Improvement and Renewal 

The Treasurer issued $25 million in Article XI-Q tax-exempt bonds for the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department in May 2022. The funding will be used for making facility improvements to multiple Oregon state parks, including improvements or replacements to facilities and related infrastructure such as buildings, water systems, septic and sewer systems, electrical systems, restroom and shower facilities, as well as modernizing and expanding campgrounds.

Oregon Liquor Warehouse

The Treasurer issued $61 million in Article XI-Q tax-exempt bonds for the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission in May 2022. The funding will be used to design and construct a new liquor warehouse distribution center and agency headquarters. The project will include the purchase of the land, the construction of the new warehouse and the purchase of a new warehouse management system.

General Obligation Bonds 2022 Series A, B, C

This content is related to our ESG program. Learn more